Terms & Conditions

1. The East Keswick website is owned and operated by East Keswick Parish Council. Names and addresses of the Parish Clerk and current councillors are listed on the website under the Parish Council tab.

2. The site is edited by Andrew Batty on behalf of the Parish Council. The Editor can be contacted by email at webmaster@eastkeswick.org.uk

3. Information for the website and articles for consideration for inclusion may be sent to the Editor at the above email address.

4. By submitting an article for consideration the sender agrees to the information being edited as the Editor thinks fit for the readership the site appeals to. There is no guarantee to include any or all information supplied and the Editor's decision is final.

5. Requests for advertising should be submitted to the same email address webmaster@eastkeswick.org.uk. The website will not carry advertising it deems to be inappropriate or which does not meet the standards laid down in the British Code of Advertising Practice.

6. Technical specifications for banner production will be supplied to any advertising enquiry.

7. The forum section of the website invites contributions from past or present residents in the village or those who have a strong connection with it, for example by running an organisation with a village membership or clientele. All contributors have to register. Any comments deemed inappropriate or offensive will be removed as soon as we become aware of them and such transgressors will be prevented from future postings.

8. Information given as part of the registration process will not be shared with any external body. It may be used by the Parish Council for occasional email or text information regarding a village event. Registrants can cancel their registration at any time by email to webmaster@eastkeswick.org.uk.

9. Views expressed in the forum section are the personal opinions of the individual registrants and do not represent the view of the Parish Council.

10. Tab pages relating to village groups and societies are controlled by those individual organisations. Village based groups who would like such a page are invited to contact webmaster@eastkeswick.org.uk

11. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the contents of the website are current and accurate no liability, actual or consequential, can be accepted for reliance on the information contained.

12. The website, and its contents, are copyright to East Keswick Parish Council. Text may be reproduced provided a credit is given to East Keswick Village Website. The site was designed and built for the village by Creative Marketing Services, Leeds.