Parish Council
East Keswick Parish Council comprises of seven unpaid Parish Councillors elected every four years supported by one paid part time Parish Clerk. It exists to represent the interests of all residents of the geographical area which comprises the parish of East Keswick. The council levies a precept on the community charge collected by Leeds City Council which funds its activities. It meets monthly at 7.30pm on the third Tuesday in the Village Hall. All residents are welcome to observe any meeting and the first ten minutes are set aside to hear any resident who wishes to speak to the Council. Despite its small size, it has achieved Quality Council status.
The present Parish Council comprises of:
Andy Batty (Chairman), Larks Rise, Keswick Grange LS17 9BX T 01937 574692 E
Becky Bailey, 19 Allerton Drive, LS17 9HE T 07726 016720
William Ballmann, 26 Church Drive, T 07775 586346 E
Donna Harrison, 3 South Bank, LS17 9HD, T 07949 252202
Barry Groves, 2 Allerton Drive, LS17 9HE,T 07551 311902,
Alison Waterfield, 49 Church Drive, LS17 9EP, T 01937 573062 E
Nick Edwards, 5 Brooklands, LS17 9DD, E
Planning E
Meeting Dates
All meetings are at 7.30pm unless otherwise denoted and are held in the Verity Room of the Village Hall. Meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month, a week earlier in December and not at all in August
Council Minutes
Please note that minutes are not shown here until approved by the Parish Council at a subsequent meeting, therefore the latest minutes posted will always be of the meeting before the most recent one.
Click here for Parish Council minutesInformation available from East Keswick Parish Council under the model publication scheme
Details of councillors and officers with phone numbers and email addresses are available on this website. The information in hard copy is available form the Parish Clerk at 25p per sheet.
Details of our budget for current and previous financial years are similarly available at 25p per sheet.
The annual report is published and made available at Parish Assemblies free of charge. Copies are also available later at 25p each.
Copies of grants given and received, contracts awarded and their value, borrowing approval letters, timetables of meetings, complaints procedures, disclosure log, register of members interests are available for inspection upon 7 days notice to the Parish Clerk or in hard copy form at 25p per sheet.
Agendas are published on parish notice boards. Hard copies at 25p per sheet from the Parish Clerk.
Minutes are available from this website, published on notice boards and available in hard copy at 25p per sheet.
Annual Governance Statement
To view East Keswick Parish Council's Governance Statement click here. To see a full copy of the accounts please contact