Minutes – July 11

POLICE AND RESIDENTS FORUM  No Police of residents attended.



Cllr Fowler declared an interest in Planning 1(a)

Cllr Anning declared an interest in Planning 1(b)

APOLOGIES  Cllrs Priestley and Batty.  In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice- Chairman, Cllr Anning ,chaired the meeting.  

MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON  JUNE 21ST 2011 These were approved.  


1.Condition of Fitts Lane   Roger Brooks had responded with alacrity to the request from the PC to clear this path and those using it on the longer Parish Walk had found it greatly improved.  

2. Grit Bins-  Highways had replied that they were unable to state a time when there would be a new supply of blue bins. It was agreed to remind them once again.       

3. Footpath across Keswick Marsh and Footpaths generally Work is commencing on the path over the marsh. Cllr Pentith reported that the nettles were very high on Path No 9  for a short stretch in the field with the pond ,and the board walk needs freeing of tree branches. It was agreed to approach Roger Brooks in the first instance. It was also suggested that Bardsey PC should consider taking some action to reinstate a path, now non existent, on their side, leading up to Gateon House Lane. It was also agreed to ask John Hemingway to reinstate the boundary stone when the vegetation dies down.  

4.Crabtree Lane Car Park and work on Crabtree Lane Re-surfacing work at the end of Crabtree Lane has been carried out over a 3 day period starting on July 13th ,and work on the entrance to the car park has been carried out. The stone to mark the edging of the parking area has been delivered but not yet positioned.

5. Measures to control Speeding through Village. Further SID tests are to be carried out by Cllrs Anning and Pentith on September 13th and 14th.

6. Possible Financial assistance to Village Hall- Cllr Priestley had written to Graham Plant, Internal Auditor, setting out the position for helping the Village Hall over the purchase of curtains and chairs. The matter was still being discussed.    

7. Report on Parish Walks. There had been 9 and 11 people on each of the Parish Walks. No problems had been experienced.

8 .Offer of Replacement Seat on Church Lane Green. There was no news about this.

9. Repair to Noticeboard.  A report/ estimate is still awaited.

10. Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk had consulted  David Gluck who had led the ambitious plan for Aberford and is now setting himself up as a consultant on neighbourhood projects. David had expressed willingness to speak to EKPC about how to tackle the work and would initially charge no fee. The Aberford scheme had, however, made much use of consultants who had charged considerable fees for their involvement. The Clerk had also consulted Janet Thornton who is familiar with Mr Gluck. She advised ( expressing an interest) in consulting Amanda Kent of RAY who was ultimately likely to advise on a cheaper way forward. Amanda informed the Clerk that RAY intends to hold a series of meetings round the region explaining how to tackle the work. One is likely to take place in Wetherby and EKPC will be informed of details when known. Council agreed that David Gluck should be invited to speak at a PC meeting, possibly September, and as many as possible should try to attend the meeting in Wetherby .

11. Carr Green Playground. Cllr Priestley had asked the Clerk to contact Mark Hullah about repairing the wooden train and later about reminding him about it.

12. Condition of Ginnel from Main Street to Church Drive .Letters had been sent  by the Clerk to the 3 “offending” hedge owners who had all complied and had their hedges cut back. Cllr Gibbs reported that work was required on the section of the footpath from Church Drive to Moor Lane. It was agreed to ask the owners of Apple Tree House to cut back their hedge .

13. Grass cutting and Tree Work required at end of Crabtree Lane. It was agreed to ask Glendales to ensure that the top section of grass on Crabtree Lane is included in their regular schedule and to ask Mark Hullah to cut back the overhanging branches on the Memorial Trees.

14. Map of Village. The Cllrs due to attend the next Wetherby & Harewood Forum Meeting would raise this offer on that occasion.

15. Diamond Jubilee Gala It was resolved to write to The VHC suggesting a meeting with representatives of village organisations, including the Council, to agree on a date and format.

16. Potholes on Moor Lane .The Clerk was asked to remind Highways once again about these.

17. Report on SLCC Conference attended by Cllrs. Anning and Pentith.  Both Cllrs had found the content useful.  

18. Offer of assistance from Sylvia Pinkney   A reminder was given to Cllrs about this offer of help which might be taken up when compiling the list of village assets.

19. Annual Report. There was nothing further to report.  

TALK ON COLD CALLING BY MR RASHAD Mr Rashad, Education and Community Engagement Officer for W.Y. Joint Services,                       described how his organisation was attempting to deal with the problem of bogus callers preying on weak or elderly people ,often resulting in burglaries. Their solution was to set up special “Cold Calling Zones”. They worked in conjunction with the Police and bodies like Neighbourhood Watch. The zones can be set up only when justified. A whole village, or a few streets only could constitute a zone. Feedback from residents is essential. It was resolved to publish news of this initiative in the Newsletter and on the Website.                            


1.New applications:-

(a) No.11/02553/EXT/NE – Ext. of time for planning application- Land between 11 and 37 Church Drive. Copies of letters sent by the Chairman (in an individual capacity) and from his neighbour had been sent to the PC.

It was resolved to oppose the application once again.

(b) No. 11/ 02644 – 2 detached houses on site of existing house, Paddock House, Cleavesty Lane.

It was resolved to oppose this application on the grounds that the properties would be out of keeping with their surroundings

(c) No 11/ 02561 – 8 St Mary’s Garth – Cons.

It was resolved to make no objection to this application.

(d) No. 11/ 02717 – Ryder Cottage- Ext.

It was resolved to make no objection to this application.


2.APPROVALS BY LCC:- .None to date.  


3.REFUSALS BY LCC:- None to date.


4.The Old Star – Enforcement Action.re the Smoking Shelter Mr Wiggington, Senior Enforcement Officer,  had advised the PC that one of his case  officers, Angela Wood, who had been assigned this task, had been off sick for some time. She had received no response to her letter to the owners and the Dept. was therefore serving a Planning Contravention Notice (PCN) on them, for which a reply was required in 4 weeks.

5. Static Caravan – Hearfield Farmers Ltd- Enforcement Action This was another case being dealt with by Angela Wood, Mr Wiggington explained. No response had been received to her letter and the caravan remained on site and appeared to be occupied. A PCT is therefore being served on the owners ( checking being conducted through the Land Registry).

6.Planning Condition re Retention of the Hedge at Ivy Grange Barn – Enforcement Action. This work has been assigned to Miss Hocking who has e mailed that she has visited the site, written to the owner reminding him of the need to replace the hedge. The next planting season is November and she has asked him to provide details of species etc beforehand.  

7. Blue Gap Cottage.  Building Control had confirmed that their regulations had been complied with.

It was resolved to write to the Planners asking them to check whether the approved plans were being complied with as Cllrs considered the extensions to be much larger than those authorised.  

FINANCE                                                                                                                                1.Bills for payment:-                                                             £ Net        VAT    Total

(a) Clerk’s Salary  (Gross)                                                   781.50

(b) Clerk’s expenses                                                             22.69         

(c) John Bradford – Repairs to 2 Memorial Seats (Retro)   112.92       2.58   115.50 

(d) R & B Rockdrillers Ltd – Stone Car Park                       600.00   120.00    720.00.

It was resolved to pay all the bills listed above.    


2. PAYE Arrangements- Letter from Chairman to Philip Oddy. Cllr Priestley sought confirmation that it was correct for the Council to pay the Clerk’s salary gross once again and to operate the new PAYE arrangements from October 2011 when her next salary was due. Mr Oddy confirmed that this was in order.  

3. Letter from VHC re Increase in Rent to £12 ph. This was noted.

4. Change in Bank Mandate –The Bank confirmed that the new arrangements were now in place.  .                                                                                


1.Problem of Dog Refuse Bags thrown into Field of Sheep, Moor Lane. Need for more Refuse Bins on Moor Lane Between meetings Cllr Ogden had reported on the number of pink plastic bags containing dog waste being thrown over the hedge into Dalby’s field. He had warned that if ingested the contents could prove fatal to a sheep. Later it had been discovered that a sheep had died. Villagers had been alerted to the problem via the website. It was resolved to request additional dog/litter bins on Moor Lane.

2.Letter from Bardsey AFC re Old Star The Chairman of Bardsey Football Club, Graham Hopton,  had written apologising sincerely on behalf of the club over the behaviour of some of its members in an incident in May at The Old Star in East Keswick. It was agreed to acknowledge the letter, thanking the club for its apology, and trusting that no such incident occurred again in East Keswick.

3. E mail from Glyn Robins, Clerk to Collingham Parish Council,  expressing interest in altering boundaries between Collingham and East Keswick. This was noted .

4. E mail from Steven Wood re formula for setting up of Sub Committees by Parish Councils. Steven Wood had asked whether any PC had set up a formula for the setting up of these sub-committees. It was agreed to leave discussion of this item until the next meeting.

5. E mail from YLCA re Retirement Lunch(Sept. 10) /Gift for Ian Strong .A buffet lunch is to be held on September 10tth at the Tithe Barn in Poppleton for Ian Strong, retiring from YLCA after being involved with its running since 1983. Contributions towards a retirement gift will also gratefully be received. This was noted. It was felt that some contribution towards a gift should be made.

6. Letters from Wm. Pulllan announcing decision to cease running landscape business and from Neil Copley announcing his purchase of the business. These were noted.     

MINOR MATTERS FOR DELEGATION TO CLERK/NEXT AGENDA1. Sandwich Van Cllr Ogden reminded Cllrs of this request received at an earlier meeting. The village resident is still interested in pursuing the idea , though not actually wishing to implement it at present. Cllr Ogden supplied Cllrs with full details of the proposed scheme. Cllrs would give it greater consideration if the resident decides to take the matter further.   Signed: Date:      EKPC July 19 Mins.       


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