Free night out for all who join- the Village Hall Draw supper date is announced

Every year, a great night out takes place in East Keswick Village Hall which is free for everyone, provided they've joined the Village Hall Draw and told the organisers that they wish to come. If you dont know about the Village Hall Draw then you're missing a great village activity. This is how it works:

You buy a 'number' or a few numbers at £20 each. Every month, prizes are awarded of £30, £20 and £10. Each January, in the nearest the village gets to Euromillions, members receive invites to the annual draw supper with its big prizes of £500, £250 and £100. Profits go to the Village Hall so your participation helps the community and guarantees some good fun too.This year's Village Hall Supper takes place on Saturday 15th January. Tickets are free to anyone who holds Village Draw tickets. The evening – to be reconvened – will include a free hot supper, live entertainment, quiz, raffles and of course -the big draw itself.

To sign up for the Village Hall draw numbers and/or confirm attendance at the annual draw supper, please contact Malcolm Brook on 01937 572360 or email