Concerns over speeding – limits being reviewed

Concerns about speeding traffic are constantly raised at Parish Council meetings. At the September meeting, two villagers attended to recount an incident in which one of them fell from a horse startled by service bus allegedly being driven too fast down narrow Main Street. Others have mentioned cars seeming to exceed the speed limit especially around the morning rush hour.

More cars are thought to be travelling through the village since the A58 had a 50mph blanket limit placed on it and a substantial stretch of 30mph limit through Scarcroft.

Limits on all local roads including the A58 are to be reviewed. Some people have voiced an opinion that the 30mph limit on the A58 is too low and ought to be 40mph at least for part of its distance. Meanwhile we can reveal that limits on Wike Lane are being considered. The proposal is to impose a limit along its full length from the East Keswick boundary to Slaid Hill, changing derestricted stretches to 40mph and reducing the 40 limit through Wike to 30mph